PH Level......what the heck is a PH level?
I am sure that is what most people will say when they read this blog.
Your PH level is the Acid/Alkaline level of your body and it is EXTREMELY important.
Let me ask you a question.
Have you ever seen an ad on television foran anti-acid product like Tums, Priolsec,Pepcid AC or Zantac 75?
I bet you answered YES!
Let me ask you another question.
Have you ever seen an ad on television telling you to check your PH levels?
I bet you have not!
Because, drug companies make billions selling you these products.
Did you know that almost all acid problems are caused by an acid/alkaline imbalance in your system?
Did you know that you may be able to throw away all those pills if you simply balance your PH?
Did you know that MANY diseases have their root cause in an acid imbalance?
If your body is too acidic you may well suffer from constant indigestion, heartburn, fatigue and many other symptoms.
How can you check your PH levels and correct them if your body is too acidic?
PH urine test strips are available at most health food stores and drug stores.
Make it a habit to check your PH levels at least once per month.
Your PH should be 7.3 to 7.4 which is ideal.
If your body check out to be too acidic do the following:
1. Add more fruit to your diet such as Watermelon, Mango,Papaya, Grapefruit, Limes.
2. Add more vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and garlic.
3. Squeeze lemon in your drinking water.
Stay away from:
1. White flour
2. Pork
3. Beef
4. Shell fish
5. Cheese
6. Ice cream
We have been using DXN products since 2004 to stay healthier, feel and look good.
If you are interested to learn more about DXN products, you can email me or visit my website at http://www.miraclemushroom.info/ for a detailed tour on how this miracle mushroom can improve your overall health.
Until next health blog...
Yours in health...
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