Sunday, October 04, 2009

What Enzymes Do To Your Everyday Life?

Research perennially shows that diseases are triggered by accumulated free radicals in the body that contribute to its degeneration and decline in proper function. Through time, stress, environmental pollution, chemicals and even environmental issues play a role in the body's inability to process enzymes needed to lead a normal life. Minimized or lack of enzymes in the body at all would provide serious damage in health.

Good health starts in proper digestion. But to achieve healthy digestion, a good amount of enzymes is required for the body to allow for breathing, swallowing, drinking, eating and digesting nutrients. Enzymes are protein molecules, either manufactured by plant, animal or man himself, that can facilitate these. It can also assist in all chemical reactions of the body, including regeneration of the cells and improvement of the immune system.

According to Dr. Edward Howell, pioneer of Enzyme Therapy, enzymes are much needed by bodily processes. Without it, neither do vitamins, minerals, and hormones nor other activity at all would take place. "Enzymes are substances that make life possible," Dr. Howell says.

Enzymes are organic catalysts responsible for numerous biochemical reactions in the body. They are mostly in charge in digesting food, transporting of nutrients, delivering hormones, purifying the blood, balancing cholesterol levels, nourishing the brain, building protein into the muscle, and carrying away toxic wastes from the body. Also, enzymes have a hand in slowing down the aging process by improving the body's total grasp of its functions. When the body is working properly, it should maintain helpful results in combating certain diseases.

There are three main categories of enzymes:
1) Digestive - in which enzymes are secreted by the salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, and the small intestine to help break down food into simple parts;

2) Metabolic - in which enzymes are produced in the cells and found throughout the organs, in the bones, the blood, and inside the cells themselves; and

3) Food - wherein enzymes are naturally occuring in fresh and unprocessed foods such as fruits, eggs, dairy and meat.

Studies have identified more than 3,000 types of enzymes in the body, with each working for a specific purpose. Digestive enzymes, for example, convert food into smaller components so that the body can absorb it easily. Some enzymes help break down protein for rebuilding and maintaining lean muscle tissues, regulating brain chemistry, and improving the immune system. These specific roles help paint a general picture of a well-balanced body. The secret, of course, is keeping a healthy digestion through active enzyme activity.

But as the body is exposed to poor diet, digestive stress, illness, and trauma while continuously working up its enzymes time and time again, its number would eventually diminish. Less enzyme activity could mean a decline in metabolic processes and in turn, the body would be prone to long-term health damage. Like a dull knife sharpened every morning, a well-balanced body must maintain renewed enzyme activity at all times. This is why the body must veer into replenished enzymes through supplementation.

Miracle of Morinda Citrifolia

One of the most sought after health remedies in Polynesia for over 2,000 years now is the noni fruit. Morinda citrifolia or noni is known to have massive amounts of therapeutic effects among its users, including those suffering from viral and fungal infection, inflammation, and degenerative diseases. Most people have seen the wonders of Morinda citrifolia that they included the fruit in their daily food intake and way of life.

Morinda citrifolia contains numerous active enzymes, vitamins, and minerals helpful in better digestion and nutrient absorption. The effectiveness of enzyme supplementation is greatly expected and found only in Morinda citrifolia because it facilitates body wellness, as well serves as a preventive measure on certain diseases. Its naturally occurring enzymes provide for enzyme activity needed by the body to shy away from toxins and ultimately improve health.

Enzyme Rich DXN Products:

DXN Morinzyme is a fermented Noni (a.k.a. Morinda Citrifolia) concentrate botanical beverage juice which contains all the natural enzymes produced from the fermentation process of Noni fruits. Enzymes are important for metabolism, such as enhancing digestion, nutrient absorption as well as assisting in cellular regulations. This beverage can be prepared by adding 2 tablespoons of Morinzyme Noni concentrated into one glass of cold water. Recommended on empty stomach one to three times a day.

DXN Morinzhi is a nutritious botanical beverage specially formulated from Morinda citrifolia (Noni) and is enriched with Roselle. Morinda citrifolia has been traditionally used as health drink among tropical folks. It enhances digestion and nutrient absorption, and assist in cellular regulations.
(To order or for more information contact me for assistance)
Enzymes Facts
1. Enzymes outweigh all other nutrients in terms of health benefits.
2. Each body cell needs over 100,000 enzyme particles necessary for metabolic
3. Enzymes cannot work properly without minerals, vitamins, and proteins.
4. Enzymes boost the immune system.
5. Enzymes improve digestion.
6. Enzymes lower the risk of heart diseases.
7. Enzymes help prevent diseases.
8. Enzymes speed healing after surgery.
9. Enzymes reduce the effects of aging, wrinkles, and sun damage.
10. Enzymes minimize inflammation of muscle and joint reactions.
11. Enzymes cleanse the body system from allergic reactions.
12. Digestive enzymes are released through sweat, body sweat and in time lost
through natural aging process of the organs that produce it. For the body to
remain at its optimum state, continual replacement of enzymes is needed.
(To order or for more information contact me for assistance)

1 comment:

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